The RDEK has placed 10 properties near Windermere Creek on Evacuation ALERT due to the potential for severe weather and ongoing flooding in the area.
“With the potential for heavy rain, particularly associated with isolated thunderstorms, there could be sudden changes in the creek,” said Loree Duczek, RDEK Information Officer. “As a result, we want to ensure people are taking the steps to prepare themselves to leave on a moment’s notice should conditions worsen.”
Duczek said now is the time to think about where you go in the event of an evacuation. She recommends that the affected properties put together important paper documents, like insurance papers, as well as any valuables, medications, supplies, and other important items you may need if the Alert is upgraded to an Evacuation Order.
MORE: Windermere Creek Evacuation ALERT – June 13, 2020 (RDEK)
The RDEK is continuing emergency in-stream work on Windermere Creek while another piece of equipment will be arriving on Sunday. Efforts will be focused on dredging the channel from Windermere Lake to Victoria Avenue in hopes of removing excess sediment and debris.
“Extensive sandbagging has also been undertaken along both sides of the creek in this area.”
Although some overland flooding has occurred to low-lying properties in the area, the RDEK said no homes are currently affected by flood waters.