It will soon be time to get your spurs and saddle up as the South Country Cowboy’s Association (SCCA) has broken ground on the new Arena of Dreams.
The once-dilapidated arena will get back in the saddle with some intensive renovations.
“This will be a 150 feet by 250 feet outdoor riding arena with really safe footing and big steel panels,” said Jen Seymour, SCCA spokesperson.
“You can expect to see agricultural events, show-and-sales, and equestrian events like barrel racing, roping and open riding. We have lots of exciting things to come.”
The groundbreaking ceremony had volunteers, SCCA members and Regional District representatives to celebrate the revival of the 20-year-old facility.
Seymour says the SCCA is looking for extra help to bring the Arena of Dreams into the arena of reality.
“We’re always looking for volunteers and donations to make this the very best facility in the area,” said Seymour.
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