Cranbrook RCMP warns of sexual interference targeting young girls

(R McCormack, staff)

Cranbrook RCMP in warning the public about a rise in online activity soliciting early/pre-teen girls for intimate images.

Police officials say they have been investigating incidents of girls between 11 and 14 years old getting targeted through social media by an unknown man who is soliciting intimate photos in exchange for money, drugs or alcohol.

“It’s important for you as a parent to be aware of your teen’s digital life, and to work with him/her on setting boundaries, acting responsibly, and staying safe online,” said Staff Sergeant Kris Clark of the BC RCMP.

“While this particular situation appears to be targeting girls, boys are just as susceptible to sexual extortion.”

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You can find resources for staying safe online below:

“There is a common misconception that sexual predators live somewhere in the dark corners of the internet when they’re actually alive and well on social media and in chat groups,” said Clark.

“Anywhere someone can interact with your child, like social media apps or online games, presents an opportunity. Engage with your kids so they know how to be safe online.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Cranbrook CRMP at 250-489-3471 or you can report incidents online here.

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