A new and renovated primary care unit in the Kimberley Health Centre has given residents improved access to local healthcare.
The upgraded facility will offer a broad range of services to patients.
“This is a significant milestone for the East Kootenay Primary Care Network (PCN) with the addition of a new space in the health centre, which will allow us to complete the implementation of the Kimberley PCN team,” said Shannon Statham, Director of Clinical Operations.
“The team will include registered nurses, social work, a mental wellness clinician, dietician, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, clinical pharmacist, and Indigenous Care Navigator working as a team with the Kimberley medical clinic physicians and medical office assistants to
serve patients.”
The Primary Care Network is a team of healthcare professionals who can help patients in the following ways:
- Providing better access to a primary care team or provider.
- Better access to chronic disease and chronic pain management.
- Improving access to mental health and substance-use services.
- Helping to coordinate services for vulnerable people with complex health issues
- Providing comprehensive services for people living in poverty.
The primary care clinic will bring resources and professionals together to meet patient-specific care needs.
“The East Kootenay Primary Care Network supports coordinated health care that begins with the person,” said Interior Health.
“The EKPCN is designed to maximize health-care roles and resources in a way that optimizes the primary care team’s time, works to their strengths, and supports the patient’s health journey.”
The new facility is located on the main floor of the Kimberley Health Centre and includes a treatment room, two exam rooms, three consultation rooms and workstations for up to eight clinical staff.
The project cost about $2.1 million and was funded by Interior Health and the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District.
“Interior Health thanks the Ministry of Health, the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District, the East Kootenay Division of Family
Practice, the Ktunaxa Nation, and all other partners who have made this new primary care location possible,” said Interior Health.
The new facility has been open since February 12 and offers services through referrals from the Kimberley Medical Clinic.
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