City to consult public on possible gymnastics club and child care locations

(Ryley McCormack, staff)

The City of Cranbrook will be getting the publics opinion on possible locations for a new gymnastics facility and child care centre.

The Key City Gymnastics Club recently requested space on city land to construct a new facility and is open to co-locate with child care.

Mayor Wayne Price says this is a good opportunity to address some shortages in the community without putting the cost on tax payers.

“The city simply cannot afford to build large new recreational facilities, as the gymnastics club is proposing. The increasing costs to maintain the existing buildings we have present a significant challenge while trying to keep tax rates as low as possible,” Price said.

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“The city is open to proposals where other groups are willing to cover the costs of building and maintaining a large recreational facility, with no burden on taxpayers, to enhance the quality of life for Cranbrook residents. However, the reality is that new recreational facilities would not be feasible if it were solely up to the City.”

Last year the city approved Gyro Park as a location for a possible child care facility dependent on provincial grant funds, but it was met with some public backlash.

Price says there are upping the public engagement before making a decision on this proposal.

“This council is committed to greater community engagement, so the next step in the process will be public consultation to gather input from residents.”

The city will be releasing a survey in the coming weeks on the possible locations.

Those locations include Balment Park, the old library site next to the Western Financial Place, Moir North and Gyro Park.

More information on the locations can be found here.

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