Cranbrook council approves West Victoria trunk upgrade design

(Photo by Josiah Spyker, staff)

Cranbrook city council approved design funding and a flood plan exemption for a townhouse development at 1601 4th Street South.

City staff say they need to upgrade the West Victoria sewer trunk from 4th Street South to 6th Street South to address capacity issues.

The development will consist of 34 townhouse units.

“Should the town house development move forward without this project, the future replacement and upgrade would be made more complicated and expensive once the development is complete due to public interaction, site conditions, dust, noise, landscaping reclamation, etc,” said engineering and development services manager Curtis Penson.

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“Staff believe it would be advantageous to complete the work while the development is still under construction or prior to construction should the development proceed.”

Council has approved $74,250 from sanitary sewer DCCs and an additional $750 from the sanitary sewer capital program for the design work.

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