Cranbrook snowpack looking good

(Supplied by CIty of Cranbrook)

Snowpack and reservoir levels look promising in Cranbrook, with both being significantly higher than this time last year.

Snowpack levels are at approximately 92 per cent of normal, compared to 62 per cent in January of 2024.

City staff are happy with the water levels of the Phillips Reservoir as well.

Water is currently two inches below the spillway. Last year it was about five feet below.

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Public works director Jason Perrault says if levels continue to look good, the city won’t automatically start at Level 2 water restrictions this spring.

“As of today we’re not really anticipating starting the irrigation system at anything other than Level 1,” he said.

“Conditions can change of course. We’re still looking at our big snow months of the end of February and March for the higher elevations.”

The city will provide additional updates on the snowpack this spring.

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