The City of Fernie could be looking at a 7.5 per cent tax increase as budget talks get underway.
Finance director Bryn Burditt says the budget discussions are still in the early stages and the 7.5 Per cent increase isn’t finalized.
“We’re still early in the budget season and at this point, we have to make estimates because a lot of our numbers come from other places,” he said.
“More detailed budget discussions are still coming later in the budget process. This 7.5 per cent does represent a lot of work to date but there is still a lot of work to come.”
He says the reason for the tax hike is due to a general increase in the city’s cost.
“It’s generally the major cost categories like wages, benefits and insurance,” Burditt added.
The next scheduled council meeting specific
to the budget will be in mid-January and a budget-at-a-glance is expected to be completed in time for a Jan. 29 public open house.
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