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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsSentencing Delayed in Fernie Man's Child Pornography Case

Sentencing Delayed in Fernie Man’s Child Pornography Case

Colin Derek Hickling was set to face sentencing following a guilty plea to a charge of possessing child pornography on November 25, 2019, but was delayed until the new year.

Hickling’s defence requested an adjournment to set the new date, pending a psychiatric evaluation.

Appearing before a supreme court judge on Monday, the request was granted and the new date was decided to give more time for Hickling’s evaluation.

Charges of possession of child pornography were initially laid on February 22, 2016, by Elk Valley RCMP.

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The crown and judge agreed to reschedule, and Hickling is set to be sentenced on January 20, 2020.

Previous: Fernie Man to be Sentenced in November for Child Pornography Possession (July 17, 2019)

Previous: Guilty Plea Entered by Man Possessing Child Pornography in Fernie (June 11, 2019)

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