Two long-time board directors of Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Areas A and G will be retiring, and a public meeting will serve as the final goodbye.
Residents will also have one last chance to meet the representatives and to hear about past and current projects.
“With two of our longtime Area Directors retiring from office this fall, these meetings will be a final opportunity for them to meet with their constituents and provide both an overview of the accomplishments during their tenures and an update on current projects of note,” said RDEK Communications Manager Loree Duczek. “The community meetings will also feature presentations on our regional firefighter recruitment drive, the FireSmart Program, and more.”
Officials note that the Area A meeting will also include a presentation on Angel Flight East Kootenay.
The meetings come after Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski and Electoral Area G Director Gerry Wilkie both announced they will not be running for re-election.
RDEK staff said Sosnowski served as the Area A director for 17 years and Wilkie has been the Area G director for 14.
The Area G community meeting will be hosted at the Edgewater Community Hall at 7 p.m. on Sept. 26.
The Area A meeting will go ahead a few days later, on Sept. 28 at 7 p.m. at the Hosmer Community Hall.