Cranbrook has received $25,000 from the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) towards the construction of a wildlife viewing platform in Confederation Park.
City officials said construction on the platform will begin in the fall and should be wrapped up by the end of November.
The platform is part of larger revitalization efforts in Confederation Park, which will include upgrades to the trail surfaces, and parking areas, installation of a toilet, a dock for educational use and new bilingual wayfinding signage.
“Confederation Park is a well-loved wildlife sanctuary that provides park users with a unique opportunity to experience nature. The RDEK is proud to support the revitalization of the park and to provide funding for the construction of the wildlife viewing platform, which will enhance the experience for all,” said RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay.
“We are very grateful to the RDEK for their continued support in working with the City of Cranbrook to make special projects like this a reality,” said Stacy Paulsen, Director of Recreation and Culture. “The Canada Community Revitalization Fund along with the funding from the RDEK provided thy City with the opportunity to add some real nice upgrades to the Confederation Park/Elizabeth Lake area that locals, as well as visitors to the area, will get to enjoy for many years to come.”