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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCanal Flats to host info session on sewage infrastructure loans

Canal Flats to host info session on sewage infrastructure loans

The Village of Canal Flats will host a virtual public information session regarding its sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade and Lift Station Construction Loan Authorization Bylaws on Thursday evening.

The Village said information will be provided on the need for a sewage treatment plant upgrade and a new lift station, the process to borrow funds and the Petition Against process.

Loans for both projects would be up to $950,000.

According to Canal Flats, the loan will cost 54 cents per frontage foot, up to 300 feet, per year for 30 years for the new sewer lift system. The sewer treatment plant will cost the community 18 cents per frontage foot, up to 300 feet.

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Adding up the two would total 72 cents per frontage foot per year for 30 years.

All members of the public are welcome to Thursday’s virtual information session at 6:30 on the Canal Flats Youtube channel. Those that cannot attend the session can view it afterwards, when it is posted online.

Questions can be submitted directly during the stream or submitted prior to the session by emailing [email protected] before Thursday, February 11th at 4:30pm.

More: Canal Flats seeking $950,000 loan for sewer infrastructure replacement (Jan 13, 2021)

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