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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsMainroad East Kootenay encouraging safety with summer road work

Mainroad East Kootenay encouraging safety with summer road work

Mainroad East Kootenay is reminding motorists to exercise caution as highway maintenance crews replace culverts, repair shoulders, and pave this summer.

The highway maintenance contractor says drivers can expect a variety of crews working throughout the entire service area over the coming weeks and months.

“Remaining safe is a joint responsibility,” said Andries de Witt, General Manager of Mainroad East Kootenay. “When you see our crews, please slow down and drive with extreme care. Stay alert, minimize distractions, and show respect for crews at work for you.”

The message of “Slow Down and Move Over” is being reiterated by Mainroad, noting that “roadside work is a dangerous job.”

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All motorists are asked to watch their speed and ensure they give plenty of room to roadside workers and vehicles stopped along the road.

Mainroad East Kootenay said, to the best of their ability, they are planning maintentance during off-peak traffic periods.

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