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Official Community Plan Adopted for Moyie and Area

The Moyie and Area Official Community Plan (OCP) has been formally adopted and approved by the Regional District of East Kootenay.

Holding numerous community meetings and open houses throughout the planning process, discussions of the Moyie and Area OCP began in 2017.

“Our goal was to produce an OCP that reflects the community’s vision and that will guide land use conservation and change in the plan area over the next 10-15 years,” said Rob Gay, RDEK Electoral Area C Director.

Zoning regulations for the Moyie area have since been combined with the regulations for the rural Cranbrook area, resulting in the creation of the new Electoral Area C – South Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw, as well as the new OCP.

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“From day one we had thoughtful, engaged participation from residents and property owners and I would like to thank the members of the Advisory Committee and everyone who participated,” said Gay. “Having that level of involvement from the community truly helped shape this OCP.”

“I would also like to acknowledge the work of RDEK staff throughout the process, particularly Michele Bates who took the lead and worked hand-in-hand with the community,” added Gay.

Both the Official Community Plan and the Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw are available to view at the Regional District of East Kootenay’s website.

More: Moyie & Area Official Community Plan and Electoral Area C – South Zoning and Floodplain Management Bylaw

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