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Elk Traumatized by Driver in Creston Valley

The B.C. Conservation Officer Service is looking for public assistance in identifying the driver of a vehicle that was spotted chasing down elk near Creston in late March.

The incident was caught on camera by a local resident and shared on March 25th on social media, resulting in an ongoing investigation.

“Obviously chasing any vehicle is an offence under the Wildlife Act, and potentially where they were, an offence under the Trespass Act as well,” said Curtis Haslehurst, a Creston-based Conservation Officer.

He added that not only is the act unlawful at any time of the year, but springtime is also a delicate season for elk.

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“A lot of these cows at this time of year are more susceptible, as in they might be pregnant with calves. So it’s just a very unfortunate thing that happened. A senseless act that could have been avoided.”

Haslehurst said he has possible leads to the perpetrator thanks to Creston Valley locals calling in. But the severity of the crime has yet to be determined and the investigation remains in its preliminary stage.

“The offence does have a specified penalty which is $345,” said Haslehurst. “We can write that just as a ticket, or we can basically write an [court] appearance notice and ask for a higher fine if we determine if it might be justified.”

Haslehurst encourages the public to call the RAPP line (Report All Poachers and Polluters) at 1-877-952-7277, if they have any additional information.

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