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City of Cranbrook Ready to Uphold Provincial Health Orders

The City of Cranbrook said it will continue to work to support and enforce orders regarding the COVID-19 pandemic put in place by the public health officer (PHO).

The City said that its Bylaw Service is working within the new guidelines made under the Provincial Health Act, which provides a framework on warnings, fines and public education.

“We know many people have had to adjust their lifestyles throughout this crisis, and I thank everyone for all their efforts so far,” said Mayor Lee Pratt. “I ask that you continue to adhere to the recommendations of the Public Health Officer. Please cooperate wherever you can and let’s get through this together.”

The City said that enforcement can include monitoring of facilities and areas closed to the public, providing information, advice and warnings, if needed, to businesses or members of the public that are not following PHO orders.

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“The COVID-19 pandemic is being taken very seriously by the City,” said Ron Fraser, Interim Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Cranbrook. “City forces are available to assist Interior Health with monitoring and education related to restrictions on activities, such as social distancing. The collective purpose of this is to help preserve the health and safety of Cranbrook residents.”

More: COVID-19 Updates and Information (City of Cranbrook)

More: Compliance and Enforcement Guidelines (Province of British Columbia)

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