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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCERB Website is Live Wednesday; Canadians Asked to Apply by Birth Month

CERB Website is Live Wednesday; Canadians Asked to Apply by Birth Month

As the Canada Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB) website goes live today, Canada’s Treasury Board President says there are steps in place to efficiently serve the Canadian people.

Jean-Yves Duclos says to better prepare for the large influx of CERB applications, Canadians are asked to apply according to their birth month.

The month and dates are as follows:

  • Those born in January, February and March apply on April 6th
  • Those born April, May and June apply on the April 7th
  • Those born in July, August, and September apply on the April 8th
  • Those born in October, November, and December apply on the April 9th

You can find the website here.

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