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HomeNewsCancellations & ClosuresAir Canada to Suspend Flights to Vancouver from Kootenay Airports

Air Canada to Suspend Flights to Vancouver from Kootenay Airports

Travellers using Air Canada to fly directly to Vancouver from Cranbrook or Castlegar will soon be routed through Calgary.

The temporary suspension of flights will begin April 1st, 2020 until the end of the month. The daily schedule for flights to and from Calgary remains the same.

“We continue to adapt our schedule and capacity in response to COVID-19 and have postponed launches or extended the temporary suspension of several routes,” Air Canada announced on Thursday.

The major airline added that they will, “continue to monitor this evolving situation closely in consultation with the Public Health Agency of Canada, Transport Canada and Global Affairs and will adjust its schedule as appropriate.”

For the complete list of temporary suspensions from coast to coat visit Air Canada’s website.

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