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Sparwood awards contract for water main project

Sparwood council has approved a $1.1 million contract to Speers Construction Inc. for the Lions Park Water Looping.

The project will include the installation of 200mm PVC water mains along Lions Park.

Work will also include additional hydrants, tie-ins to existing mains, associated surface restoration, storm drain improvements, water fountain upgrades at the ball field.

District staff say looping of the watermain will provide secondary flow in the event of a disruption on Maple Street.

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Engineering project manager André LeBlanc says water should only be shutoff once during the project.

“There will be one disruption when we do the tie in where the Elk Valley Resources offices are,” he said.

“We need to tie in the new main there and at that point there will be some disruption.”

He is hoping work on the project will begin in late May.

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