The Regional District of East Kootenay’s (RDEK) board of directors approved its 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan, raising tax rates by $22 for average properties valued at $596,000.
However, residents are urged to review their tax notices as RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay says rates may vary between electoral districts.
“The range of tax increases is quite large. For example, the City of Fernie’s taxes for the regional district will go up by one dollar, while Area C will have taxes go up by $47, so there’s quite a range,” said Gay.
Area C includes rural areas outside of Cranbrook, such as Wardner, Moyie, Wycliffe and Fort Steele.
The financial plan will dictate how the RDEK spends and allocates money across the region.
“The Plan includes $11,972,782 in capital projects for 2025 for projects such as the final completion of the Cold Spring Creek Debris Flow Mitigation Project, Fernie Pathway, Jaffray Trail, Edgewater Connectivity Project, Fire Engine Replacements in Panorama, Hosmer and Baynes Lake, Wycliffe Park Campground, Hosmer Fire Hall, and Elko Fire Hall Expansion,” said the RDEK.
Property taxes to the RDEK are paid through the provincial government in rural areas or to the municipal government within incorporated districts and cities, such as Invermere, Sparwood and Cranbrook.
Gay says the RDEK’s budget was faced with significant pressure from inflation, just as other local governments and residents.
“The cost of purchasing has gone up and the cost of services has also gone up,” said Gay.
“The one we have seen the most increase, probably due to the cost of vehicles and gas, is in our solid waste. The cost of contracts for the folks who pick up our garbage has gone up considerably. That has brought a large impact on our budget this year.”
With the budget adopted, residents should see tax notices delivered over the coming months.
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