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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsSparwood Mayor announces early bid to keep position

Sparwood Mayor announces early bid to keep position

Sparwood Mayor David Wilks says he wants to run in the 2026 municipal election in hopes of staying in office.

While it is much too early to announce a formal mayoral campaign, Wilks says he wants to address rumours circulating in the community.

“We’re still 15 months away from an election and a lot of things could happen, but as of right now, I’m still having fun with it and I think we’re getting a lot done in Sparwood,” said Wilks.

“As long as we’re getting things done, I think it would be advantageous for me to stay on.”

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In his time as mayor, Wilks took on a number of responsibilities, becoming Director at Large at the Union of B.C. Municipalities, Chair of the Kootenay East Regional Hospital District, and Chair of the Highway 3 Mayors and Chairs Committee.

“I like to watch things getting done, and sometimes you need to push those things to make them happen,” said Wilks.

“I get a lot of solace from working as the Chair of the Hospital Board. I think we got a lot done, but there’s still a lot more to do.”

Wilks says he intends to stay in politics as long as he can.

“It gets taxing as you get a little older. I’m not young anymore and I’ve been at this for over 20 years. As long as it’s still fun, I’ll continue at it,” said Wilks.

The next B.C. Local Election is set for October 2026.

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