Opinions mixed on proposed food hub location

Cranbrook's City Council. (Ryley McCormack, MyEastKooteanyNow.com staff)

Cranbrook council gave first reading to a proposed food hub at 703 Cranbrook Street North, but council is not convinced it’s the right location.

No one had concerns about the food hub itself.

The facility’s primary purpose would be for food processing, manufacturing and distribution, while also being used for training and education.

Councillor Ron Popoff supports the idea but thinks a location off the highway would be a better fit.

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“To me, the best location would be in the parking lot that BC Housing owns right next to homeless shelter, where they are also going to be building their social housing,” he said.

“To me that makes a much better co-location in the long term then having it stuck out on the highway.”

Mayor Wayne Price believed they should move it past first reading if only to gather more information before making a final decision.

“We haven’t fully approved it yet,” Price added.

“If we get the process going and we do decide it’s not the right place or there’s other issues, we don’t have to approve it on the third reading.”

The motion passed in a 4-3 vote and will be back in a future council meeting.

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