Fernie is under Stage 1 water restrictions, which will be in effect until October 31.
This is part of Fernie’s new Water Conservation and Regulation Bylaw, which automatically puts restrictions into place on March 1 each year.
The bylaw was adopted last summer, when high temperatures, high demand and drought conditions were threatening the city’s water supply.
“Most citizens understand the importance of water conservation in hot temperatures. This just ensures we have a consistent set a rules that will apply to everyone,” said Mayor Nic Milligan.
The bylaw allows the city to make sure its water system operates within its capacity.
Under Stage 1, odd-numbered actresses can water lawns on Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday while even-numbered addresses can water on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
Lawn watering times are limited to two hours between 5 am and 10 am or 8 pm and 11 pm.
You can wash vehicles and surfaces such as driveways or sidewalks with a handheld shutoff nozzle.
The bylaw also has several other rules for Stage 1.
“Watering of food-producing gardens and plants is exempt at this stage,” said the City.
“Daily watering of new sod, seeds, and grass permitted with a Permit. Water restrictions violations are enforceable through ticketing and fines. Please do your part to help us conserve water.”
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