Cranbrook RCMP calling for community volunteers

(R McCormack, staff)

Local police are looking to revitalize the Cranbrook RCMP volunteer program but needs community members to sign up.

“Volunteers can expect to participate in a number of crime reduction initiatives, such as community patrols, speed watch and more,” said community engagement coordinator Melody Munro.

“The RCMP has high standards for their volunteers and want ensure volunteers will receive the training and guidance they need to perform their duties in a safe manner.”

Volunteers must be 19-years of age and up, a Canadian citizen, volunteer a minimum of four hours a month for one year, attend all training sessions and pass a suitability interview and security background check.

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The Cranbrook RCMP is accepting volunteer applications until Mar. 31.

They will also have a table at the East Kootenay Career and Job Fair scheduled for Mar. 5. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Those interested in volunteering are asked to email [email protected].

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