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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsDust advisory in effect for Sparwood

Dust advisory in effect for Sparwood

A dust advisory is in effect for Sparwood as high concentrations of fine particulate matter have been detected in the air.

The Ministry of Environment and Parks in collaboration with the Interior Health Authority issued the air quality advisory on Saturday, March 1.

Officials say the conditions will persist until the region receives precipitation, dust suppression work is completed, or there is a change in traffic patterns.

Levels tend to be the highest around busy roads and industrial operations.

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People with underlying or chronic medical conditions or acute infections should avoid or reduce strenuous exercise and exposure until the dust advisory is issued.

“Exposure is particularly a concern for individuals with chronic conditions such as asthma, COPD, heart disease, and diabetes; respiratory infections such as COVID-19, pregnant women, infants, and older adults,” said Environment Canada officials.

“Anyone experiencing symptoms such as continuing eye or throat irritation, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, cough or wheezing, should follow the advice of their health care provider. Staying indoors helps to reduce exposure.”

You can find real-time air quality information here.

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