The City of Fernie will be setting up workstations in the old council chambers while plans are made for improvements to city hall.
The city hall building was originally built in 1905, donated to the city in 1994 and obtained official heritage status.
However the building is in need of work.
City staff say they have been making improvements over time but more renovations are needed.
Staffing has also grown over the years and space ahs gotten tighter.
That’s why the city will be repurposing the old council chambers as council meetings now take place at the Fernie Senior Citizens Drop-In Centre.
Council has directed staff to develop a budget and workplan for future improvements.
Parks, facilities and recreation director Brett Logan explains some of the changes that may be coming.
“It would have a small exterior addition for an elevator and staircase, uses the basement for a few offices and includes a spacious pass through lobby with accessible public washrooms and council chambers on the upper floor,” he said.
City staff say a longer-term plan and budget will ensure future preparations are made to address health and safety and building code compliance.
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