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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsInvermere moves forward with potential townhouse development

Invermere moves forward with potential townhouse development

Invermere District Council has given second reading to a zoning amendment that could see a row of townhouses near the downtown area.

The proposal outlines a plan for 10 rental apartments at 801 13th Street, with six one-bedroom and four two-bedroom units.

“This project is slated to be rental housing, which is great,” said Acting Mayor and council member Kayja Becker.

“As a council, we can control land use decisions, but we can’t actually make people come and build. When we have interest in developments, it’s always nice to see how we can get to some kind of ‘yes’ if it makes sense for the community.”

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While the rezoning is moving through council chambers, some considerations must be made before it receives final approval.

“There are some concerns with the actual area that have nothing to do with the land itself. There is a complicated road access right where this property is,” said Becker.

“There are some things we’re going to have to look into with the developer to make sure it makes sense with the developer.”

The proposal includes just 10 on-site parking spaces, or one per unit, which is below the 1.5 parking spaces per unit required by the District.

The plan also does not include on-site garbage or recycling bins, which is also a requirement from the District.

“As we’re looking to add density in our town, we need to make sure it flows smoothly because we’re not only a town with people who live there full time, we are also a resort municipality,” said Becker.

“Because of that, you get people who may be confused and may not understand the traffic flow in the community.”

The developer will amend the proposal to address concerns from the District before it comes back for its third reading.

“In principal, we are in support of the density and trying to make that work,” said Becker.

“In our approved motion, staff is to look at parking access, the roadway, waste management and other things impacting the development.”

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