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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsRDEK to host workshop on STRs in Elk Valley OCP

RDEK to host workshop on STRs in Elk Valley OCP

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) will host a collaborative workshop focused on short-term rentals (STR) in the Fernie Alpine Resort area.

This workshop is part of the RDEK’s Elk Valley Official Community Plan process.

“The session will be moderated and is targeted to include a cross-section of STR operators, residents from various neighbourhoods and ski hill representatives with the goal of bringing a range of perspectives and experiences together to explore options for the location and occupancy of STRs at the Resort,” said RDEK Planning Supervisor, Karen Macleod.

“During the collaborative workshop, there will be tables with representation from each sector with focused and moderated discussion.”

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RDEK officials say the workshop will be limited to approximately 30 people. Interested residents can apply here until 4 p.m. on January 16.

You can also contact the RDEK’s planning department for alternative ways to submit an application.

The Elk Valley OCP process was started in April and is expected to take 18 to 24 months to complete.

“There will also be other general engagement opportunities across Area A in the coming months as the Elk Valley Official Community Plan process continues and more information will be available in late January,” said MacLeod.

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