Kimberley’s interim Housing Needs Report predicts over 1,700 doors needed in 20 years

Kimberley City Hall sign. (Ryley McCormack staff)

Kimberley’s interim Housing Needs Report predicts the city will need just over 1,700 new dwelling units by 2041 to keep up with demand.

The B.C. government requires communities to complete Housing Needs Reports to help predict future housing markets.

“It’s part of the actions they’re taking to build more housing sooner,” explained Mayor Don McCormick.

“The report has a slew of data that will help us navigate our housing requirements over the coming years.”

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According to the report, Kimberley will need 544 units over five years, 952 over the next decade and 1,706 over the next 20 years.

McCormick says Kimberley could meet those numbers, but it is not necessarily something the city can guarantee.

“What we see with everything that has been completed over the last few years and everything we have in the pipeline coming up, says we are pretty good shape,” said McCormick.

“However, having the potential and actually executing on it are different things, especially when we don’t control the housing starts. We control the environment, but it’s really up to the private sector and the developers who are investing in the community.”

McCormick says the city has received support from other sectors to help bolster Kimberley’s housing numbers.

“Several developments we have underway right now, particularly purpose-built rental units, are going achieve a couple of things. Most of them are CMHC-financed, and they require that a minimum of 10 per cent of those units be below-market housing,” said McCormick.

“When it comes to both low and moderate-income, what we have in place right now is going to provide the number of doors referenced in the report.”

Non-profit groups could also provide support for low-income housing.

“Our role, as the city, will be to help them interface with the B.C. government and the programs they have to make some of that housing a reality,” said McCormick.

“We’re very fortunate to have these non-profits who have plenty of experience. We’re looking forward to working with them.”

City Council has received the interim Housing Needs report for information and the deadline to submit it to the B.C. government is set for January 1, 2025.

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