Nearly 60,000 kilometres travelled in first season of e-scooter program

Tyler Zeck, Western Region Rep Bird Canada (left) showing the company's e-scooters to Councillor Ron Popoff (middle) and Cranbrook Mayor Wayne Price (right). (R McCormack, staff)

The City of Cranbrook is deeming the inaugural season for Bird Canada’s e-scooter program a big success.

Nearly 60,000 kilometres were traveled with a total of 22,225 total rides.

According to ride data the average ride distance was 2.7 kilometres which is higher than the national average of 2.5 kilometres.

“The results of the pilot program indicate it was very successful. A big thank you to Bird Canada and to the many e-scooter users who supported the program,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

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“We are aware of a few concerns the public has shared, but those will be addressed next season.”

City staff say 97 per cent of riders used an e-scooter more than 5 times and nearly 34 per cent of Cranbrook riders rode an e-scooter more than 50 times this past season.

Injuries are self reported and Bird Canada received zero reports.

There was also no significant damage to the e-scooters.

Bird Canada is working on a public survey looking at the demographics of who is using the e-scooters. More information is expected to be released in early 2025.

The e-scooter program will return next year.

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