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Radium Hot Springs mayor invites OCP feedback

Radium Hot Springs’ draft official community plan (OCP) will be up for public input next week and Mayor Mike Gray is eager to hear what residents have to say.

Officials say about 200 community members spoke to the engagement team and over 100 surveys were filled out to form the basis of the new OCP.

“We heard how passionate people are for Radium Hot Springs. People aren’t just living here, they love this place and they want to see this community be the best it can be moving forward,” said Gray.

“They want us to plan for the future and they want us to set up future residents for success. People seem to plan on staying here for as long as they can they want Radium to be as good as it can be.”

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Gray says he’s eager to unveil the draft plan.

“We have gone through a number of different engagement sessions so far and we have heard a lot from residents about what they’re looking for and the vision of Radium Hot Springs in the future,” said Gray.

“We combined all of those ideas and after some initial feedback, we got even more great feedback and have compiled all of that information into one draft official community plan that we’re ready to unveil.”

After the in-person and virtual open houses, the Village will seek further public comment.

“We’re at the stage where we need to if we got it right. We’re at the stage where residents will look at it and give us a thumbs-up, suggest small tweaks or – hopefully this isn’t the case – if we got it wrong, we better hear it now,” said Gray.

A public survey will become available for residents on Monday, December 2, just ahead of the information sessions.

Residents are invited to attend an in-person open house session on Tuesday, December 3 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Radium Hot Springs Centre.

A virtual open house will go ahead the following day at 7 p.m. over Zoom.

More information and registration for the virtual event can be found here.

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