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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsMayor's homelessness task force seeing success with proactive approach

Mayor’s homelessness task force seeing success with proactive approach

Cranbrook’s homelessness task force is seeing encouraging results with the work done over the past year.

The task force was established in January and has now submitted its final report to city council.

One of the initiatives implemented was the establishment of a camping bylaw, which limited where tents could be set up during the day.

As a compromise, the city has set up a space near Moir Park where tents won’t be torn down.

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Social development Coordinator Marcel Germer says it’s allowed for community to be built among the unhoused population and the rest of Cranbrook.

“The outreach has been phenomenal. It’s consistent and it’s not just from the Mayor’s Taskforce, but outreach in general from other organizations,” she said.

“We’ve had some community volunteer fun nights, where churches and other community members have shown up and built community out there. There are a lot of positives going on.”

While issues still need to be addressed Germer says the city is doing better than other communities in a similar boat.

“We are managing what’s happening. We are not out of control,” she added.

“It may feel like it is because of some of the crime that’s going on but our actual numbers and a lot of things, we are not facing the same thing that other communities are facing.

The City has spent $3,500 supporting the task force, but members of the task force have been able to secure over $150,000 in grant and external organization

“I want to thank representatives of the many organizations that volunteered to join this Task Force and recognize their ongoing commitment to our community’s well-being,” says Mayor Wayne Price.

“I understand the frustrations within our community, but ignoring the problems, or playing the blame game is not a solution. This is a problem that will take time and a community effort by many organizations and people in Cranbrook working together to improve, or it will continue to get worse.”

The task force has agreed to continue meeting for another 12 months.

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