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RDEK to discuss Hosmer fire hall findings at information meeting

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) will be hosting an information meeting to go over assessment reports on the current Hosmer Fire Hall.

In 2022 the RDEK board approved $2.5 million for a new firehall after concerns were raised about the current firehall.

There were a number of electrical issues, the condition of the septic tank was unknown and the water line was frequently freezing.

However, in September of 2023, the RDEK approved funding for a full assessment to be done before a new hall would be built.

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“When I took office, it was important to me to have a fulsome understanding of the condition of the current fire hall before moving forward with plans for a new hall. I know there were many residents who shared this same desire,” said Electoral Area A Director Thomas McDonald.

“It has taken longer than anticipated to retain the various experts and we are now at a point where we have received most of the reports and want to meet with the community to discuss the findings and potential next steps.”

The meeting will take place on Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. at the Hosmer Community Hall to discuss the findings of the assessments.

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