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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCanadian Rockies International Airport to see increased air traffic

Canadian Rockies International Airport to see increased air traffic

Residents will begin seeing more airplanes in the sky with increased flights to and from the Canadian Rockies International Airport.

The changes will take effect on Sunday, Oct. 27, with peak passenger volumes expected for Monday afternoons.

Cranbrook officials say this increased early-week traffic is the result of three outbound flights between Air Canada and WestJet scheduled between 3:00 p.m. and 4:15 p.m.

Passengers are encouraged to give themselves plenty of time between arrival and screening to ensure a smooth check-in process and avoid unnecessary congestion.

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“It is important we share this information with the public well in advance of this schedule change. We really want travellers to be prepared when they arrive at the airport and ensure their experience with us is as pleasant and smooth as possible,” said Tristen Chernove, Airport Manager.

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