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Suspected arson at Wasa Transfer Station

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is attending to another fire in the wood waste pile at the Wasa Transfer Station, this one is suspected of arson just after 8pm.

According to the RDEK, the fire was set in two separate piles with a third ignited by the flames.

“The wood waste area has separate piles in one larger open area and last night two of those wood waste piles were intentionally lit,” explains RDEK Solid Waste Superintendent Jim Penson.

“There was a good guard around the wood waste pile, so while highly visible, the fire was contained to that area and did not spread further on site.”

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The fire is surrounded by a fire break and is contained to the wood waste pile.

“We have staff on site, have notified the BC Wildfire Service and a contractor with water truck and excavator are mobilizing and expected on site soon. Crews will stay on site through the night monitoring things.” said RDEK Loree Duczek.

“We had intended to complete our annual burning of the wood waste pile when conditions permit, so may work with the contractor to safely complete the burn in the untouched areas of the wood waste pile if conditions allow.”

That effected area of the transfer station will likely be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, October 22, however, access to the transfer bins for disposal of household garbage and recycling are expected to remain open.

“As part of our regular operations, we burn the wood waste pile annually. We had already
applied for a burn registration number and were waiting on a good venting index and proper weather conditions to complete the planned ignition. As a result of this fire and the one two weeks ago, we made the decision to burn the rest of the pile today as conditions are favourable. Our contractor will remain on site to ensure this piece of the work is done safely and in a controlled manner.” said Penson.

Previous Wasa Transfer Station fire, October 8.

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