As the provincial election grows near, get to know your local BC Green Party candidate for the Columbia River-Revelstoke riding: Calvin Beauchesne.
Who so Calvin Beachesne?
Beauchesne has lived in Golden for the last five years and has spent plenty of time getting to know the region’s great outdoors.
“I’ve worked as a ski instructor, sea kayak guide and worked on ski patrol,” said Beauchesne.
“I volunteered for a number of environmental groups over the years. I’m on the board of directors for Wildsight Golden and I’ve organized several climate action events in the community.”
Beauchesne has a pair of degrees from Trent University: A Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies and a Master’s in Sustainability Studies.
He has applied this education in his current role.
“I’m currently the Air Quality Coordinator for Wildsight Golden and previously the electric vehicle car share coordinator with the Golden Community Resources Society and the invasive plant program coordinator with Wildsight Golden,” said Beauchesne.
“I’ve become really involved in a number of community initiatives and met lots of people from local governments and non-profit groups. I’d like to represent this community and push for things that people here would like to see.”
The issues: Climate change
Beauchesne’s top campaign priority is dealing with and mitigating the climate crisis B.C. is facing.
“Climate disasters like mega-wildfires, heat domes and atmospheric rivers are wreaking havoc on communities in this riding. Last year was the hottest year in recorded history,” said Beauchesne.
He says climate change is more than just an environmental issue.
“Climate-related disasters are costing our economy billions of dollars, whether it’s fire mitigation projects, cooling centres, dealing with damaged infrastructure and so forth,” said Beauchesne.
“It’s really an economic issue that is costing us lots of money and holding us back from potential growth.”
“If elected I will fight to ensure BC is a climate leader and that we protect what’s left of our old-growth forests. I will fight for a universal mental health care system so anyone in BC who needs help can get it. I will also fight for a windfall tax on oil companies and an end to fossil fuel subsidies,” said Beauchesne.
“We have a platform that puts people first, before corporate profits. It recognizes that the health and wellbeing of people in our communities needs to come before industrial growth.”
Final thoughts
Beauchesne feels he is right for the job of Columbia River-Revelstoke’s next MLA because he says he will push for meaningful reform in the province.
“BC has an opportunity to be a climate leader in the emerging post-carbon economy of the 21st century. By investing in clean energy, public transit, ecological restoration, energy efficiency, conservation and local food production we can both reduce our climate pollution and create good jobs that will help create a cleaner, safer and more just world for everyone. We can’t afford to be left behind,” said Beauchesne.
“I will push for proportional representation because every vote should matter, no matter where you live or who you vote for; that’s how a democracy is supposed to work.”
General voting day in the 2024 provincial election is October 19.
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