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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsFairmont development hazard guidance project gets underway

Fairmont development hazard guidance project gets underway

The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is looking for the public’s input as they start a new planning project to guide future development.

The project will look to develop policies that can increase development and land use in hazardous areas.

“What makes this project somewhat unique from other long-term planning projects is that it is looking at future development within the context of natural hazards in the community,” said RDEK planner Justin Cook.

An online community info session is planned for Oct. 30 at 2 p.m.

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Cook says it will give residents an opportunity to learn more about the project and contribute ideas.

“A big part of this early stage of the community engagement is to provide an overview of the project itself, review some of the history, identified hazards and risks and then look at how future policy can be informed by those factors,” he said. 

The video of the session will be recorded and residents can provide feedback through a comment form.

The project is expected to run through 2024 and a final report with recommendations should be ready in early 2025.

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