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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsRDEK proposes Kimberley Rural Fire Protection Service

RDEK proposes Kimberley Rural Fire Protection Service

Voters in the Regional District of East Kootenay’s (RDEK) Electoral Areas C and E will decide on a new Kimberley Rural Fire Protection Service.

Board Chair Rob Gay says the RDEK has considered expanding the fire service for a while.

“We have had numerous requests from property owners to establish rural fire protection, to include properties in the Wycliffe and St. Mary Lake Road areas,” said Gay.

“It has been a Board strategic priority for many years and we now have the details of what a proposed fire protection service would look like and will be taking it out to electors.”

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If implemented, Gay says this will expand the service area for the Kimberley Fire Department.

“Taxpayers would pay for the service, but they would be considered semi-protected from an insurance perspective. That often means considerable savings in your insurance costs,” said Gay.

“The City would also benefit because we would need to provide another pump truck. That could be used in Kimberley and in the rural areas as well. It would also allow us some additional operations funding.”

Residents will be able to learn more at 7 p.m. on Oct. 1 in Kimberley’s Centennial Hall.

“Ahead of the vote, there will be a Public Information Meeting to help provide residents with the details of the proposed service and with an opportunity to ask questions.”

The info session will include a presentation on the service, costs and tax implications. Attendees will also be able to ask questions after the presentation.

“We want to ensure everyone within the proposed service area has the information they need to make an informed decision when they vote,” said RDEK Electoral Area E Director Jane Walter.

“We hope to see a good turnout to the information meeting and there will be several other ways for residents to get the information they need if they are unable to attend.”

Property owners in the area will receive an information package in the mail.

General Assent Vote will go ahead on Oct. 26, with an advance voting opportunity on Oct 16.

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