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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook Fire Department starting prescribed burn near Moir Park

Cranbrook Fire Department starting prescribed burn near Moir Park

Cranbrook residents can expect to see some smoke as a planned burn near Moir Park gets underway.

This is the third burn conducted by the fire department this month building on work around the Phillips Reservoir and the Canadian Rockies International Airport.

Director of Cranbrook Fire and Emergency Services Scott Driver says the Moir Park area is a growing part of the community and they need to be proactive around wildfire risk.

“With an increased use of the Moir Park site, it is critical that we keep occupants and neighbours safe from the threat of wildfire,” he said.

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“Prescribed fire, especially in this case where we are carrying out a re-treatment or a second burn, is the best tool we have available to increase ongoing safety for everyone.”

The fire department has been collaborating with multiple community groups for this burn as the site is near the temporary living space for homeless residents.

“The City recognizes that Moir Park currently houses several homeless members of our community, and as such, the City’s Social Development Coordinator has worked hard to coordinate the efforts of many of our communities’ social service groups to address the needs of impacted individuals for the duration of the prescribed burn,” Driver added.

“Understanding increased use of the land leads to an increased risk of fire. The City is striving to strike a balance that is acceptable and accommodating to all stakeholders, and I am really impressed by the coordination and support that this project has seen from our stakeholder groups.”

Driver says much of the coarse woody debris was burned during the last treatment and the site is mostly grasses so less smoke is expected to carry into subsequent days.

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