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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsHunter escapes grizzly bear attack with non-life-threatening injuries

Hunter escapes grizzly bear attack with non-life-threatening injuries

A hunter was left with non-life-threatening injuries when a mother grizzly bear attacked him near Cranbrook over the weekend.

The Conservation Officer Service (COS) said the attack happened on a rural private property at around 7 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 15.

A man and his daughter were hunting elk in the area when they came across a grizzly bear sow and two cubs feeding nearby.

The mother bear then attacked the man and eventually disengaged.

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The Conservation Officer Service believes this incident was a defensive act from the sow due to the two cubs nearby.

The hunters did not fire any shots at the bear, but the man was left with non-life-threatening injuries.

Officers attended the scene and swept the area to make sure there was no longer a threat to the public.

COS officials said they made no efforts to capture the bear because of the remote location and nature of the attack.

The COS said you should stay alert for bear activity and stay safe by keeping bear spray on you.

More bear safety guidelines can be found here.

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