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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCandidates announced for Canal Flats by-election

Candidates announced for Canal Flats by-election

Four candidates are vying for two vacant seats on Canal Flats Village Council in the upcoming local by-election.

Chief Election Officer Sylvie Hoobanoff said Paul Marcil, Mark Topliff, Denise Trepanier and Andrew Weitzel threw their hats in the ring.

Marcil has experience with local politics, as he previously sat on Village Council from 2014 to 2018.

Topliff won a spot on Invermere’s District Council in the 2022 local election but had to step down shortly after his win because he moved to Canal Flats.

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The by-election was triggered in late June with the resignation of Councillor Jennifer Noble.

A second council position opened up when Councillor Anora Kobza stepped down in mid-July.

Campaigning officially kicks off on Aug. 17 before voting day on Saturday, Sept. 14.

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