Yahk home burns down

Photo by Dennis Walker, Vista Staff

A Yahk family has been left devastated after their home was burn down Friday night, August 9.

The Yahk-Kingsgate Volunteer Fire Department, assisted by Creston Fire Rescue, were called to the property in Highway 3/95 just after 9pm, where the structure was completely engulfed in flames, with extension to the forest area.

Firefighters from Creston and Yahk worked hard deploying handlines and equipment to contain and extinguish the fire and stop the spread of fire to other exposures and homes in the area.

“Nobody was hurt. There may have been a couple of pets that were lost in the fire, but all of the adults and children got out of the house.” said Ayla Croot, Secretary of Yahk Kingsgate Recreation Society.

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BC Hydro, Fortis Gas, RCMP, and BCAS were also involved in providing safety to area.

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