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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsMajor construction project to close Kimberley's Swan Avenue

Major construction project to close Kimberley’s Swan Avenue

Kimberley’s Swan Avenue will be closed for several weeks as a significant construction project gets underway.

Crews are set to begin the construction of a new sidewalk and retaining wall as part of a job outlined in the 2024 Major Capital Projects list.

The project will impact both pedestrian and vehicle traffic until the early fall.

Pedestrians will not be able to use the Swan Hill pathway, so Kimberley officials ask you to use Burdett Street or Peak to Platzl Trail to get to Swan Sub.

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Drivers can still use Swan Hill, but only to get down the hill.

You can use Burdett Street (one-way, uphill only) or Gerry Sorensen Way to Norton Avenue to get up the hill.

You can see a map of the impacted area below.

Supplied by the City of Kimberley)

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