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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook applies for grant funds for Gold Creek Dam

Cranbrook applies for grant funds for Gold Creek Dam

The City of Cranbrook is looking to secure grant funds for the Gold Creek Dam reconstruction.

The city is eligible for BC’s disaster resilience and innovation funding which could provide a maximum of $5 million.

“This is a priority project for the city of Cranbrook,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

“This is just one of those ones that really slipped through the cracks over the years and now has become a critical project.”

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If the grant is awarded, the city will still be on the hook for $9.5 million as the total project cost is expected to be $14.5 million.

The grant does allow stacking so the city may be able to find additional funding support.

The old dam was designed to store about 30 megalitres of water but is currently only able to hold one or two megalitres.

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