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City green lights housing action plan

Cranbrook council will be looking to implement the Mayor’s housing task force strategy and action plan.

The task force has been working on actions the city can take to address housing needs.

A housing needs report conducted in 2020 found Cranbrook will likely need 1,400 new units by 2031.

“No one entity will solve the housing crisis we are experiencing, and it will take a coordinated effort by all levels of government, the not-for-profit sector and the development community,” said Mayor Wayne Price.

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“The first action being taken is the continuation of the housing task force to keep positive momentum moving in the right direction, as we all work together to try and find solutions to our local housing issues.”

Other recommendations the city may implement include establishing a housing coordinator role in the city and reviewing Cranbrook’s strategic plan to be in line with the task force recommendations.

Just because the city has green-lit the plan doesn’t mean everything will be implemented.

“There are four implementation timelines including immediate and low-hanging fruit, short-term and high priority, medium-term and long-term priority and finally lower priority,” said planning manager Rob Veg.

“While some actions have budgetary or funding resourcing attached to them, Council will be involved in those discussions through the budget process.”

The full housing strategy and plan can be found below.

MORE: Cranbrook Housing Strategy (City of Cranbrook)

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