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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook capital works projects well underway

Cranbrook capital works projects well underway

The City of Cranbrook has completed three of its capital works projects, with others wrapping up soon.

City staff said the lagoons pipeline Phase 2 reconstruction, Highway 95A watermain crossing and 2024 paving program are complete.

The 12th Avenue South and 6th Avenue South reconstruction projects are well underway and nearing completion.

The lagoons Phase 3 dyke and berm upgrades is the only project that hasn’t started yet, but work should be beginning in early August.

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The city has also launched a new online map to showcase locations and updates on capital works projects.

“The goal of this interactive story map is to make information much more accessible about our capital works projects, and help provide up-to-date information in a user-friendly format,” says roads and infrastructure manager Curtis Mummery.

“Staff put in a lot of work to get this map going and we are excited to share it with our residents.”

The interactive map can be found here.

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