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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsLocal MP calls for year-round wildfire service

Local MP calls for year-round wildfire service

Kootenay-Columbia MP Rob Morrison is calling for a year-round effort to fight wildfires to help reduce risks in the summer.

“I would like to see, if anything, the feds be responsible or accountable for prevention,” said Morrison.

“Even though prevention is costly, I wonder if we could do more prevention in the winter to help us prepare for the summer.”

Morrison suggested bringing together loggers and mill owners to help create plans for forest management.

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“They’re experts in that area, so maybe we need to get them on a team to help us plan a more preventative strategy because reacting is so expensive,” said Morrison.

Morrison feels there is a lack of adequate leadership in federal forestry management.

“We’re putting all our funding into reaction, so I think if the federal government shows some leadership, funding or training, it will be a win-win,” said Morrison.

“The forest only does two things: it burns or you log it, so maybe we need to look at more selective logging.”

As of July 29, six out-of-control wildfires are burning across the East Kootenay.

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