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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsFernie sidewalk program moves to Ridgemont Avenue

Fernie sidewalk program moves to Ridgemont Avenue

Fernie crews are installing new sidewalks on Ridgemont Avenue as part of the city’s 2024 sidewalk program.

A section from 31 Ridgemont Avenue to 51 Ridgemont Avenue is getting a new 1.9 m wide concrete sidewalk.

It will be built wide enough to accommodate two strollers or wheelchairs travelling in opposite directions.

The sidewalk will link to the Annex Dike.

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“It allows people safe walking access through the neighbourhoods and connects them to those active transportation elements,” said Mayor Nic Milligan.

Ridgemont Avenue will continue to have two-way traffic during construction, but on-street parking will be suspended.

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