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HomeNewsEast Kootenay NewsCranbrook comes into alignment with B.C.'s Bill 44

Cranbrook comes into alignment with B.C.’s Bill 44

Cranbrook will allow more housing density on existing lots, as the city aligns its zoning policy with the province.

This change comes as the provincial government’s Bill 44 comes into effect across the province, requiring all municipalities to make changes to their bylaws.

This legislation allows at least one secondary suite or dwelling unit in low-density residential lots.

“This regulation requires us to allow up to three or four units on a lot, where historically only one or two housing units were allowed,” said Rob Veg, Manager of Planning.

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“With these changes, it should now be easier for property owners and home builders to create Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) that fit into existing neighbourhoods and increase the housing supply locally.”

Cranbrook adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 4162 to accommodate the new legislation.

“To help residents, builders and developers understand these new regulations, we have created a Bill 44 Public Information Sheet, which highlights the SSMUH regulations, which can be found on the City’s website,” said Veg.

According to the B.C. government, Bill 44 is meant to help ease the pressure on the province’s strained housing supply by making it easier for property owners and developers to add additional units.

You can see this new info sheet here.

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