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BC Human Rights Commissioner to unveil Cranbrook Human Rights Report

BC Human Rights Commissioner Kasari Govender will be in Cranbrook next week to discuss the city’s Human Rights Report.

The group consists of people with various local service providers and agencies.

“We worked with the BC Human Rights Commission’s office and a group of women who worked on a series of surveys that we did with folks who are impacted by housing issues, substance use, poverty, food insecurity and a variety of other things,” said Polly Sutherland, ANKORS Team Lead and Harm Reduction Coordinator.

“They have created a document specific to Cranbrook and our Human Rights Group has been eagerly awaiting for Govender to come and present the keynote address.”

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Sutherland said work started last year.

“A bunch of us got together and did at least 100 surveys with vulnerable people. We asked a series of questions about how people are impacted by different challenges,” said Sutherland.

“They combined that document to give folks in Cranbrook a picture into human rights in the city, what it looks like right now and how people on the ground are really feeling.”

The event is set to go ahead at Cranbrook’s Key City Theatre from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, June 27.

“Govender is going to be giving the keynote address, where she’s going to be talking about what’s happening in B.C. and why it’s relevant to Cranbrook,” said Sutherland.

You can email [email protected] to attend.

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